Don’t let Diarrhoea Get in the Way of Your Day
Your 9am meeting, lunch with friends or spin class at the gym – there’s never a good time for diarrhoea. So don’t put up with it! Be ready with Gastro-Stop and be ever-ready to get back to your day!

Which Gastro-Stop
is best for you?
Effective relief for diarrhoea and wind pain
Which Gastro-Stop
is best for you?
Relief for diarrhoea
is best
for you?

My gastro will last longer if I take anti-diarrhoea medicines, so it’s best to let diarrhoea run its course.

Some people think that diarrhoea is the body’s way of getting rid of bugs that cause diarrhoea and that anti-diarrhoea medicines act like a cork that clog up the system.
In fact, anti-diarrhoea medicines can shorten an episode of diarrhoea so you can start feeling better and get back to enjoying your day. However, if you have a fever, severe stomach pain, bloody diarrhoea or ongoing condition affecting the bowel, you should seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor before taking any anti-diarrhoea medicines.
Diarrhoea is always caused by bugs.

Acute diarrhoea can be caused by many different things. The most common cause of diarrhoea is a viral infection. However, there are other non-infective causes too – such as stress, certain medications, menstruation, allergies and intolerance to certain foods and drinking too much alcohol.
Diarrhoea caused by stress doesn’t need treatment with anti-diarrhoea medicines.

Whether the diarrhoea is caused by an infection or stress, the digestive system becomes overactive and goes into overdrive. Gastro-Stop (loperamide) slows down the movement of the intestines, which helps to relieve the diarrhoea.
Sports or energy drinks are good for rehydration.

They might sound a good idea, but sports drinks are not designed to replace the electrolytes lost during diarrhoea. Sports drinks with a high amount of sugar are not considered suitable for rehydration when you have diarrhoea. In fact, they can make things worse. It’s the same story for lemonade and other soft drinks.
Forgetting to wash my hands won’t put me at risk of getting diarrhoea.

Oh yes it will! Washing your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based solutions is an easy way to reduce your risk of spreading germs that cause diarrhoea. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after every visit to the bathroom and before handling food.