The following foods can cause diarrhoea or make it worse:
- Fried or fatty foods Creamy or fried foods can trigger diarrhoea if they pass through the digestive system without having been properly digested
- Spicy foods Can cause loose stools for some people
- Caffeine Caffeine is found in tea, coffee and chocolate
- Concentrated fruits Such as dried figs, dates, raisins and prunes
- High fibre vegetables Such as dried beans, corn and cabbage family vegetables
- Dairy foods When you have diarrhoea, lactose found in dairy foods may be hard to digest
- Fructose Fruits and juices contain fructose and it can be added to foods and drinks
- Artificial sweeteners Such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol – these are found in sugar-free gum, lollies and some medications
Foods to eat when you have diarrhoea
Know the foods that trigger your diarrhoea so you can avoid them. If you do have diarrhoea, however, you may find the following low fibre foods help while you return to your normal eating routine:
- Rice
- Noodles
- Yoghurt (unless you are lactose intolerant)
- Smooth peanut butter, a small amount at a time
- White bread
- Lean meats
- Cottage cheese
- Canned fruits in small quantities